Who we are


NMCB is a collaboration of Dutch research institutes, medical centres, and patient organisations dedicated to the biomedical study of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). Our Our consortium is funded by ZonMw under their ME/CFS Research programme.

NMCB’s main goal is to build a national ME/CFS research infrastructure to promote and advance biomedical research on ME/CFS. We will do this by setting up a national patient cohort and biobank and by conducting six research projects testing innovative hypotheses on ME/CFS.

Ultimately, we aim to:

Our team

NMCB team

NMCB is an eight-year collaboration consisting of six research projects, all focusing on a different aspect of ME/CFS. Our consortium is funded by ZonMw under their ME/CFS Research programme.

Management team

Dr. Jos Bosch

NMCB project manager

Kate Mudie

Project manager NMCB en PhD student

Lea van Iersel

Project manager NMCB

Marisha Vodegel

Research nurse NMCB

Principal investigators

Dr. Jeroen den Dunnen

Principal investigator

Dr. Marjan Versnel

Principal investigator

Dr. Niels Eijkelkamp

Principal investigator

Dr. Ruud P.H. Raijmakers

Principal investigator

Prof. dr. Inge Huitinga

Principal investigator

Prof. dr. Paul J. Lucassen

Professor, leader of the Brain Plasticity group, Swammerdam Institute of Life Sciences, University of Amsterdam

Dr. Jörg Hamann

Head of Amsterdam UMC Biobank, principal investigator Amsterdam UMC, guest co-principal investigator Netherlands Brain Institute

Dr. Rob Wüst


Patient representatives

Theo Kuiphof

Representative MECVS Nederland

Betsy van Oortmarssen

Representative Stichting Steungroep ME en Arbeidsongeschiktheid

Markus Sjouke

Representative ME/cvs Vereniging

Scientific Advisory Board

Jonas Bergquist

Uppsala University, OMF

Øystein Fluge

University of Bergen

Neil Harrison

Cardiff University

Andrew Lloyd

UNSW Sydney

Luis Nacul

UK ME/CFS Biobank

Sabrina Poirier


Carmen Scheibenbogen

Charité Berlin

Interested in our projects?

Find out more about the research being conducted within NMCB.